If you have believe you have been a victim of employment discrimination, you are not alone. Many people are discriminated against in the workplace based on race, sex, gender, religion, or other factors each year. The employment law attorneys at East Tennessee Employment Law in Knoxville are experienced in these types of cases and can work with you to look at your situation and determine if you have a case.

Here are 3 answers to common questions clients ask about employment discrimination:

  1. What is the role of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)?
    The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is the federal agency in charge of investigating claims and allegations of employment harassment and discrimination. In most cases, the complainant must file a claim with the EEOC first before filing an individual suit. The EEOC will investigate all claims to determine if the claim will move forward or be dismissed.
  2. What is at-will employment? Can I file a claim if fired at-will?
    At-will employment means that an employer can fire an employee for no reason at all. However, an employee that has been fired at-will may still file an employment discrimination claim if they think they were fired based on prejudices.
  3. What are some common discrimination claims?
    People may file claims of discrimination or harassment in the workplace based on age, gender, sex, race, religion or other reasons. Each claim will need to be carefully evaluated to determine if there is a case, because no two situations are the same.

If you think you have been a victim of employment discrimination, contact one of the experienced employment law attorneys at East Tennessee Employment Law in Knoxville today to get started. Give us a call at (865) 383-1053 for a free evaluation – we would be happy to help! Remember, it’s our job to look out for yours!