If you’ve never been through a divorce before, or you’ve never been through one with children involved, it’s pretty likely that you don’t know much about child support. When you hire a Knoxville family lawyer, they’ll be able to help you through every step and decision during the divorce process. They’ll help you fight to make sure that legally, you get everything you deserve and this could include child support. Child support refers to an ongoing, periodic payment made by a parent for the financial benefit of their child or children following a divorce.

Who Pays Child Support?

Every child has the right to financial support from both parents and every parent is legally responsible to financially support their children. However, the agreement reached on child support can depend on the decision reached on child custody. If one parent is granted sole custody, that means the other parent has no custody. The parent with no custody will be responsible for paying the agreed upon monthly amount designated for their child or children’s financial benefit. Many parents assume that if the decision of joint custody is reached, then child support is irrelevant. However, this is not the case. In some cases child support is still required. When you hire a Knoxville family lawyer, they’ll be able to teach you, fight for you, and ensure that you make well-informed decisions. A family lawyer will help you reach agreements for what is best for you and your children so that they are financially supported all the way into their young adulthood.

How is the amount of Child Support Determined?

The two biggest things that affect child support is parent income and parenting time or custody. Hiring your own family lawyer in Knoxville will ensure that you are able to get the agreement you want when it comes to your divorce. A family lawyer will be experienced and knowledgable about family law in Knoxville and they’ll know the ins and outs of making your divorce process as smooth as possible. They’ll help you get the custody agreement you want and the child support that you’ll need.

Knoxville Family Lawyer

If you’re preparing to file for divorce, now is the time to find a Knoxville family lawyer. You’ll want to make sure you have a family lawyer on your side from the very beginning. At East Tennessee Employment Law, our Knoxville family lawyers are experienced, hard-working, and extremely knowledgable. When you call (865) 383-1053 we’ll talk with you about your unique situation, answer any questions you may have, and start making a plan on how to move forward with your divorce process and get the agreement that will protect everything that matters to you most.