If you think you have been a victim of discrimination at the workplace, it’s important to speak with a lawyer to know your rights. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your case, hiring an experienced discrimination lawyer from East Tennessee Employment Law will help you navigate the steps through the legal process.

What does a discrimination lawyer do?

If you have been involved in a discrimination case, you often don’t know where to start. A discrimination lawyer can help you assess the facts and determine if you have a potential case.

What should I bring to my meeting with a lawyer?

Bringing evidence to support your case is very important. You’ll want to provide enough evidence to convince a judge or jury that your employer did discriminate against you. Emails, photos, letters, videos, or phone calls are all great examples of evidence that can be used to support your case. Your lawyer can help go through the evidence with you to build a case.

Will a lawyer guide me through the process?

A lawyer will work with you through the entire process, beginning to end. Often, a case can be settled outside of court. Your lawyer will weigh the options with you to determine the best path for you to win your case.

What are the next steps?

Discrimination cases can be difficult and exhausting to work through – that’s why you need a lawyer to help you through the process. Let an experienced lawyer at East Tennessee Employment Law in Knoxville do the hard work, so you can relax knowing that your case is in good hands. Contact us today to get started at (865) 383-1053. Even if you still work for the employer, you should get a claim started immediately. Reach out to our team with any questions, we would be happy to help you today!