One of our most recently added services is consumer protection.

What is consumer protection?

Consumer protection, closely intertwined with consumer rights, is a group of laws and organizations designed to protect consumer rights as well as ensure fair trade, competition and the validity of accurate information in the marketplace. It is because of these laws that businesses can be held accountable for fraud or using unfair practices to gain advantage over their competitors. Ultimately, consumer protection deters businesses from participating in scams or fraudulent activity.

Am I a consumer?

If you are someone who acquires good and services for direct use or ownership (NOT for resale, production, or manufacturing) then you are a consumer.

In addition to consumer protection, we also specialize in insurance coverage protection, criminal defense, family and divorce cases, disability discrimination and employment law. Whether you intend to hire an employment lawyer, divorce attorney, or just have a direct connection with a knowledgeable resource about the judicial system and its proceedings; our goal is to help you in whatever way we can.

We serve everyday people, not big insurance companies or reckless corporations.

We are here to ensure that you aren’t bullied or intimidated. We are here to help see you through. Contact us today!